Future Works
Variable oTOKEN Strike Price
At present, oTOKEN emissions do not generate revenue for the protocol due to their strike price solely providing floor backing for TOKEN. To harness potential revenue, there's an opportunity to adjust the strike price above the TOKEN floor price. This will enable the protocol to begin profiting from oTOKEN exercisers. The funds acquired can then be directed towards buying back and burning TOKEN from the market reserves or placed under governance's control. To implement this improvement, a new Voter contract and GaugeFactory, designed to accommodate variable oTOKEN strike prices, can be developed. Subsequently, these can be retrofitted into an existing v33-X protocol to execute the upgrade.
On-chain Affiliates
v33-X can benefit from permissionless on-chain affiliate links. This will allow any individual to create a referral link, guiding users to a v33-X interface. As a reward, affiliates will receive a portion of the swap fees produced by their referred user indefinitely. To manage this system efficiently, a router should be established to monitor affiliates and their respective referrals while coordinating with the bonding curve.
Protocol-Owned Liquidity
Currently, v33-X employs a farm model, similar to Soldily, where participants deposit yield-generating assets. In return, farmers receive oTOKEN, and the yield from these assets is directed to vTOKEN voters. An alternative could a protocol-owned liquidity model. This approach mirrors practices like those in Olympus DAO. Here, oTOKEN bonds are offered at a market discount. Instead of yield farmers "lending" assets to the protocol, they give them to the protocol in exchange for bonds. As a result, the protocol purchases the yield-bearing assets, paving the way for treasury building. Governance can then determine the best uses for this treasury, such as harvesting the yield earned by the assets and disbursing it to vTOKEN holders. It's vital to note that the floor price consistently provides backing for TOKEN, and any profit obtained from bonds adds risk-free value.
Liquid Staked vTOKEN - Max Leverage Looper
Coming soon...
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