3. Deployment

Chain configuration and settings must be complete before deployment. Please feel free to ask for them to be reviewed.

1. Deploy Token Factories

Uncomment the "Deploy Token Factories" section in main() of deploy.js:

Save the deploy.js file.

Run the command in the terminal:

yarn deploy

Record the addresses from the console:

Update the getContracts() function with those addresses and uncomment them:

Save the deploy.js file.

2. Deploy Token

Comment out the "Deploy Token Factories" section and uncomment the "Deploy Token" section in main() of deploy.js:

Save the deploy.js file.

Run the command in the terminal:

yarn deploy

Record the addresses from the console:

Update the getContracts() function with those addresses and uncomment them:

Save the deploy.js file.

3. Deploy Voting System

Comment out the "Deploy Token" section and uncomment the "Deploy Voting System" section in main() of deploy.js:

Save the deploy.js file.

Run the command in the terminal:

yarn deploy

Record the addresses from the console:

Update the getContracts() function with those addresses and uncomment them:

Save the deploy.js file.

4. Deploy Ancillary Contracts

Comment out the "Deploy Voting System" section and uncomment the "Deploy Ancillary Contracts" section in main() of deploy.js:

Save the deploy.js file.

Run the command in the terminal:

yarn deploy

Record the addresses from the console:

Update the getContracts() function with those addresses and uncomment them:

Save the deploy.js file.

5. Verify Token Contracts

Comment out the "Deploy Ancillary Contracts" section and uncomment the "Verify Token Contracts" section in main() of deploy.js:

Save the deploy.js file.

Run the command in the terminal:

yarn deploy

The console should indicate that the verifications were successful.

6. Verify Voting Contracts

Comment out the "Verify Token Contracts" section and uncomment the "Verify Voting Contracts" section in main() of deploy.js:

Save the deploy.js file.

Run the command in the terminal:

yarn deploy

The console should indicate that the verifications were successful.

7. Verify Ancillary Contracts

Comment out the "Verify Voting Contracts" section and uncomment the "Verify Ancillary Contracts" section in main() of deploy.js:

Save the deploy.js file.

Run the command in the terminal:

yarn deploy

The console should indicate that the verifications were successful.

8. Set up system

Comment out the "Verify Ancillary Contracts" section and uncomment the "Set Up System" section in main() of deploy.js:

Save the deploy.js file.

Run the command in the terminal:

yarn deploy

The console should indicate that system set up was successful.

9. Transfer Ownership

Comment out the "Set Up System" section and uncomment the "Transfer Ownership" section in main() of deploy.js:

Save the deploy.js file.

Run the command in the terminal:

yarn deploy

Last updated