Base: Aerodrome Gauges


This script will deploy a factory that can deploy plugins for any Aerodrome LP with a gauge on Base. The underlying token is a Aerodrome LP, which gets deposited into the plugin. The plugin deposits the LP into an Aerdrome gauge to earn AERO. AERO is harvested and sent to its bribe contract.

Plugin Factory: contracts/plugins/base/AeroGaugePluginFactory.sol


These plugins are not audited. It is recommended to get them audited if you plan to use them in production.

Plugin Description

This plugin is made Aerodrome Pair LPs with Gauges on Aerodrome. Use the Factory to create the plugins with the following parameters.


Address of the Aerodrome LP token. Example. Address the AERO/WETH LP:

const LP_ADDRESS = '0x7f670f78B17dEC44d5Ef68a48740b6f8849cc2e6';    // LP Address


The desired symbol for this plugin. Example. The symbol for the AERO/WETH LP could be:

const LP_SYMBOL = 'vLP-AERO/WETH Gauge';   // Desired symbol for Gauge plugin

Plugin Logic


  • User deposits LP in plugin

  • Plugin deposits LP in Aerodrome gauge


  • Plugin withdraws LP from Aerodrome gauge

  • Plugin withdraws LP to user


  • LP deposited in Aerodrome Gauge earns AERO

  • AERO claimed from Aerodrome gauge

  • AERO sent to bribe contract for voters

Refer to the Test Plugins deployment instructions for deploying this plugin factory

Last updated