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The initial weekly emission rate of OTOKENs, measured in OTOKEN/week. This sets the initial emission rate, which decreases by 1% every week until tail emissions are hit. Governance can update the weekly emission rate at anytime, from which it will decrease by 1% per week till tail emissions are hit.
Initial rate of 789 OTOKEN/week: 789
Initial rate of 1,200,083 OTOKEN/week: 1200083
The maximum weekly emission rate that governance can set, measured in OTOKEN/week. Governance will not be able to set a weekly emission rate higher than this.
Max rate of 1,000 OTOKEN/week: 1000
Max rate of 10,823 OTOKEN/week: 10823
The tail emission rate of OTOKENs. measured in OTOKEN/week. This sets the tail emission rate, where the weekly rate will decrease by 1% per week until it hits the tail emission rate. Then emissions stay constant. Governance can update the tail emission rate at anytime, if the weekly rate is lower then OTOKEN will be emitted at the tail rate.
Constant tail emissions of 12 OTOKEN/week: 12
Constant tail emissions of 12,233 OTOKEN/week: 12233
The minimum emission rate that governance can set. Governance can not set an emission rate lower than this.
Min rate of 10 OTOKEN/week: 10
Min rate of 1,000 OTOKEN/week: 1000
The percent of weekly emissions that get minted for stakers (VTOKEN holders). The amount of OTOKEN minted to stakers is the weekly rate is multiplied by the growth rate percentage. For example, if the weekly rate is 1000 OTOKEN/week and the growth rate is set to 10%, 100 OTOKEN would be minted for stakers every week. The growth rate has a maximum of 30% and the minimum would be 0%, no growth. The growth rate is settable by governance, within its bounds.
Growth rate of 20%: 20
Growth rate of 5%: 5
The team rate is the percent of weekly emissions that get minted for the team. For example, the weekly rate is 1000 OTOKEN, the growth rate is 20% and the team rate is 5%. The OTOKEN minted for the team would be (1000+200)*5% = 60 OTOKEN/week. The team rate has a max of 10% and a minimum of 0%. The team rate is settable by governance within these bounds.
Team rate of 10%: 10
Team rate of 3%: 3