zkEVM: QuickSwap Farms


This script will deploy a factory that can deploy plugins for QuickSwap Farms on Polygon zkEVM.

Plugin Factory: contracts\plugins\zkevm\QuickSwapFarmPluginFactory.sol


These plugins are not audited. It is recommended to get them audited if you plan to use them in production.

Plugin Description

This plugin is made for Gamma-managed QuickSwap Concentrated Liquidity tokens that have QuickSwap farms. Use the Factory to create the plugins with the following parameters.


Address of the Gamma-managed QuickSwap LP token. Example. Address the QUICK/WETH Wide LP:

const LP_ADDRESS = '0x686CFe074dD4ac97caC25f37552178b422041a1a';   // LP Address


The pool identification number in the QuickSwap Masterchef for the _lpToken. Example. PID for QUICK/WETH Wide LP farm.

const LP_PID = '14';    // PoolID for LP from MasterChef


The desired symbol for this plugin. Example. The symbol for the QUICK/WETH Wide Farm could be:


Plugin Logic


  • User deposits LP in plugin

  • Plugin deposits LP in QuickSwap MasterChef


  • Plugin withdraws LP from QuickSwap MaterChef

  • Plugin withdraws LP to user


  • LP deposited in QuickSwap MasterChef earn QUICK

  • QUICK reward claimed from QuickSwap MasterChef

  • QUICK sent to bribe contract for voters

Refer to the Test Plugins deployment instructions for deploying this plugin factory

Last updated